
nuffnang LR

Monday, November 30, 2020

Ribut Di Lautan

Ada orang kata.. ketika berlaku ribut di lautan,

kita semua berada dalam kapal yang sama dalam musim pandemik.


Kita semua berada di lautan yang sama.

Bukan di dalam kapal yang sama.

Ada yang berada di atas kapal layar mewah,

Ada yang berada di atas kapal besar, kukuh dan selamat.

Tetapi Lebih ramai yang berada di dalam perahu kayu yang sempit

sebilangannya hanyut di lambung ombak, 

hanya berpaut pada serpihan yang terapung.

malahan ramai yang sedang lemas..

dan tidak kurang yang sudah tenggelam.. 😔


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Kenapa Orang Melayu Makan Dengan Tangan

Soalan ini telah dijawab dengan mudah di akhir abad ke-19 oleh seorang Kerabat Diraja Kedah yang menetap di Selangor bernama Tengku Kudin. Perkara ini diceritakan oleh seorang isteri pegawai tinggi British yang berkhidmat di Selangor pada masa itu dalam bukunya “Chersonese The Guilding Off” oleh Emilly Innes.

Pada suatu hari Tengku Kudin telah dijemput oleh British Resident menghadiri satu jamuan makan malam di rumah Residen tersebut.

Ketika semua tetamu jemputan telah bersedia untuk menghadapi hidangan, Tengku Kudin tiba-tiba bangun menuju ke arah paip air dan membasuh tangannya. Tanpa menghiraukan orang lain semuanya menggunakan sudu dan garfu, beliau dengan selamba menyuap makanan ke mulutnya dengan tangannya... !

Telatah Tengku Kudin ini diperhatikan oleh seorang wanita Inggeris yang kebetulan duduk di sisinya. Merasa tertarik dengan perlakuan Tengku Kudin itu wanita tersebut lantas bertanya: “Kenapa anda makan dengan tangan ? Bukankah menggunakan sudu dan garfu itu lebih bersih dan lebih sopan ?”

Dengan selamba Tengku Kudin menjawab lantang dan dapat didengari oleh orang lain. Katanya: "Saya makan dengan menggunakan tangan saya sekurang-kurangnya ada tiga sebab:

Pertama: Saya tau tangan saya lebih bersih dari sudu dan garfu sebab saya sendiri yang membasuhnya – bukan orang lain. Sudu dan garfu itu dibasuh oleh orang lain yang belum tentu cukup bersih.

Kedua: Saya yakin tangan saya lebih bersih kerana tangan saya hanya saya seorang saja yang menggunakannya – tidak pernah dipinjam oleh orang lain, sedangkan sudu dan garfu itu ramai yang pernah menggunakannya.

Ketiga: Saya percaya tangan saya lebih bersih kerana ia tidak pernah jatuh dalam longkang… !!!

Arkib Berita Harian Online, Disember 2009
picture courtesy of tanjak boy

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Misi Seekor Kucing

Ramai yg menyangka kucing tidak mempunyai apa2 pekerjaan, mereka hanyalah makhluk pemalas yg hanya tau makan dan minum. Hurm, bukan itu sebenarnya!

Adakah anda tahu bahawa dizaman ini lebih ramai org memiliki kucing berbanding anjing? Tahukah anda apa misi dan tugas seekor kucing???

Saya akan merungkai beberapa tips rahsia seekor kucing yang belum anda ketahui...

Semua kucing mempunyai kuasa, secara harian utk menyingkirkan energy negatif dr tubuh kita.

Sebaik sahaja kita tido, kucing akan menyerap energy ini. Jika ada lebih ramai org dlm satu keluarga, dan hanya ada seekor kucing, kucing juga mampu menyerap semua lebihan energy negatif dari semua orang ini...

Apabila mereka tido, badan kucing akan melepaskan energy negatif yg telah mereka serap dari kita tadi. Jika kita terlebih stress, kucing akan mengambil lebih masa utk melepaskan energy ini dan energy negatif ini akan menjadi lemak dlm badan kucing sehingga ia dilepaskan. Kita akan berfikir bahawa mereka gemuk, disebabkan makanan yg kita berikan!

"Bagus untuk mempunyai lebih dari seeokor kucing di rumah, supaya beban utk menyerap energy negatif dapat dibahagi sama rata antara mereka."

Kucing juga akan melindungi kita di malam hari, agar tiada roh yg tidak diperlukan memasuki rumah semasa kita tidur...

"Sebab itu mereka suka tido di atas katil dengan kita. Dan jika mereka fikir kita baik2 sahaja, mereka tidak akan tido dengan kita di malam itu."

Sekiranya ada sesuatu yg pelik berlaku disekeliling kita, mereka akan terus melompat ke atas katil utk melindungi kita...

Jika ada org yg berkunjung ke rumah kita, dan kucing merasakan bahawa ada ancaman atau benda buruk, kucing akan mengelilingi kita utk melindungi kita. Kita harus la berwaspada. Sekiranya mereka berlari mendapatkan orang itu, mencium mereka dan ingin dibelai, kita tahu bahawa boleh berehat.

Jika anda tiada kucing, dan ada kucing jalanan memasuki rumah anda, peliharalah kucing tersebut, kerana anda sesungguhnya memerlukan kucing pd saat itu...

'Hurm, kucing jalanan sedia membantu anda!". Berterima kasih lah kerana rumah anda telah dipilih oleh si kucing utk tujuan ini. Jika anda tidak boleh memelihara kucing jalanan tadi, cari la tempat yg sesuai utk nya.

Kucing biasanya datang kepada kita secara fizikal tanpa sebab2 yg diketahui, dan di dalam mimpi kita dapat melihat sebab kenapa kucing itu muncul seketika. Berkemungkinan ada hutang karma yang harus dibayar kembali kepada kita. Mereka mesti melindungi anda.

"Oleh kerana itu jangan takut atau menakutkan kucing." Kerana ia pasti kembali kepada anda utk memenuhi tanggungjawabnya....kucing menyembuhkan kita."

Kucing adalah makhluk yg comel, kasih mereka kepada kita sgt jujur dan melebihi segalanya, cuma mereka punya cara yg berbeza utk menzahirkan kasih mereka.

"Mereka adalah sahabat teragung dan terbaik antara semua2 sahabat..."

*Manusia yang alergi pada kucing secara emosinya adalah gagal utk mencintai seseorang secara mendalam, kerana mereka sering melindungi perasaan sebenar meraka."

- Translated by : #MyOwnPetShop
- Ctto. Taken from : Maktub

Sunday, June 26, 2016

A Dog and The Truth of Life

One night, just before the shopkeeper was about to close the shop, a dog came into the shop.

There was a bag in its mouth. The bag had a list of items to be bought and money. The shopkeeper took the money and kept the items in the bag.

Immediately, The dog picked up the bag of items and left. The shopkeeper was surprised and went behind the dog to see who the owner was.

The dog waited at the bus stop. After sometime, a bus came and the dog got into the bus. As soon as the conductor came, it moved forward to show his neck belt which had money and the address as well. The conductor took the money and put the ticket in his neck belt again.

When it reached the destination, the dog went to the front and wagged his tail indicating that he wanted to get down. The moment the bus stopped, it got down. The shopkeeper was still following it.

The dog knocked on the door of a house with its legs. Its owner came from inside and beat it with a stick.

The shocked shopkeeper asked him "why are you beating the dog?", to which the owner replied, "he disturbed my sleep. It could have taken the keys with it."

*This is the truth of life. There is no end to the expectations people have from you. The moment you go wrong, they start pointing at our mistakes. All the good done in the past is forgotten. Any small mistake committed then gets magnified. This is the nature of this material world*.

Sunday, April 03, 2016

This is not "YOU JUMP, I JUMP!" Titanic tagline

A teacher was teaching her class of students when she relayed a story about a cruise ship capsized at sea.On the ship, there was a couple that managed to make their way to a lifeboat, but then realized there was only space for one.

Although I can’t confirm whether this story actually happened or not, I certainly think we can all learn something from it.A cruise ship capsized while at sea. On the ship was a couple who, after having made their way to the lifeboat, realized that there was only space for one person left.

At this moment, the man pushed the woman behind him and jumped onto the lifeboat himself.The lady stood on the sinking ship and shouted one sentence to her husband.
The teacher stopped and asked: 
“What do you think she shouted?”
Most of the students excitedly answered: 
“I hate you! I was blind!”
Now, the teacher noticed a boy who was silent throughout, she got him to answer and he replied: 
“Teacher, I believe she would have shouted – Take care of our child!”
The teacher was surprised, asking: 
“Have you heard this story before?”
The boy shook his head: 
“Nope, but that was what my mom told my dad before she died to disease.”
The teacher lamented: 
“The answer is right.”

The cruise sunk, the man went home and brought up their daughter single-handedly.Many years later after the death of the man, their daughter found his diary while tidying his belongings.

It turns out that when parents went onto the cruise ship, the mother was already diagnosed with terminal illness. At the critical moment, the father rushed to the only chance of survival.

He wrote in his diary: “How I wished to the bottom of the ocean with you, but for the sake of our daughter, I can only let you lie forever below the sea alone.”
The story is finished. The class was completely silent.

The teacher knows that the student has understood the moral of the story, that of the good and the evil in the world, there are many complications behind them which are hard to understand.
Which is why we should never only focus on the surface and judge others without understanding them first.

Those who like to pay the bill, they do so not because they are loaded but because they value friendship above money.

Those who take the initiative at work, they do so not because they are stupid but because they understand the concept of responsibility.

Those who apologize first after a fight, they do so not because they are wrong but because they value the people around them.

Those who often text you, they do so not because they have nothing better to do but because you are in their heart.

One day, all of us will get separated from each other. We will miss our conversations of everything and nothing and the dreams we had. Days, months and years will pass until this contact becomes rare. 

One day, our children will see our pictures and ask: “Who are these people?”
And we will smile with invisible tears because a heart is touched with a strong word and you will say: “It was them that I had the best days of my life with.”
Feel free to share this moving tale of love and life with all your family and friends.

Published by Newsner


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